Early Bird vs. Night Owl

Early Bird vs. Night Owl

"Life is too short," she panicked, "I want more." He nodded slowly, "Wake up earlier."~ Dr. SunWolf Today I woke up at 5am. About three years ago, this statement would have gone more like: "Oh my God, people! Today I woke up at 5am! Isn't that crazy?!?" But that was...

Horchata Shakeology!

Horchata Shakeology!

Horchata is the tastiest dessert beverage from Spain and Latin America, made from rice or nuts and spiced with cinnamon. Trust me when I tell you it's muy delicioso! The geniuses at Beachbody came up with a healthy recipe that incorporates vanilla Shakeology. Such a...

We’re All Dehydrated!

We’re All Dehydrated!

WHEN YOU'RE THIRSTY, YOU'RE ALREADY DEHYDRATED. How crazy is that? Whenever I'm thirsty, my body is telling me I'm actually dehydrated! And even mild dehydration is horrible for you, as it causes fatigue, irritability, headaches, lowered concentration, anxiety, and is...

Recipe: Easy Cucumber Tomato Salad!

Recipe: Easy Cucumber Tomato Salad!

This is such a quick and easy salad to make, and 9 times out of 10, I've already got the ingredients in my kitchen. I N G R E D I E N T S 2 large cucumbers, halved lengthwise, seeded and sliced1/3-cup red wine vinegar1 tablespoon Stevia1 teaspoon salt3 large tomatoes,...

Get Your Finger on the Pulse of Fitness

Get Your Finger on the Pulse of Fitness

Do you have ten seconds? Are you relaxed? (I get that these questions are relative and are directly proportionate to our human experience, but I digress...) OK, provided you haven't just gulped down a latte, place your index finger and middle finger on your neck and...

Weight For It

Weight For It

One of the most common questions asked when people finally make the all-important decision to stick with a fitness plan is "Why aren't I losing weight?", with variations to include: Why haven't I lost weight yet? Why is [insert name] losing weight faster than I am?...

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