

How crazy is that? Whenever I’m thirsty, my body is telling me I’m actually dehydrated! And even mild dehydration is horrible for you, as it causes fatigue, irritability, headaches, lowered concentration, anxiety, and is a common risk factor for kidney stones. Yikes! For these reasons alone, not to mention the fact that dehydration takes a serious toll on your skin, I stand behind my constant (perhaps, annoyingly so) rallying cry of Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

When we’re thirsty (AKA dehydrated), we’re not alone. A Harvard public health study this time last year found that over half of children and adolescents in the U.S. are not getting enough hydration, likely due to the fact that they’re not drinking enough water. Countless studies show that most Americans, in general, are chronically dehydrated, with several putting the percentage at around 75%.

So, the next time you’re at a party, you can look around and think to yourself, “Wow. Only one out of every four of us is getting enough water and fluids.” Take it a step further and find out who’s got a cute water bottle on hand and give them a knowing wink. Then walk by and whisper, “I know a secret about you. You’re hydrated.” Well, maybe you can skip that last part. Creepy.

The point is, dehydration is a) not healthy and b) not difficult to attain. How do we know we’re not getting enough fluids and are in danger of entering Dehydrationville? Here are a few telltale signs:

  • You have a headache. When your body loses fluid, it loses potassium and sodium. The loss of these essential salts actually changes the chemical makeup of your blood – a change your brain is not a huge fan of. Less water –> less blood volume –> less oxygen flow to the brain –> blood vessels dilate –> headache.

  • Your urine is yellow. The darker your urine, the more dehydrated you are. Drink enough fluids/water to make your pee lighter. The coast is clear when your pee is!

  • You’re thirsty. (We’ve covered that.)

  • You’ve got bad breath. Dehydration –> less saliva –> more mouth bacteria. Ew. Drink more for this reason, alone.

  • You’ve got dry skin. There are quite a few reasons for this, but let it be known: Not enough fluid intake results in dry skin!

  • You fail the ‘pinch test’. If you’re really worried you’re dehydrated, a quick pinch test can give you the answer you’re looking for. Just pinch the skin on the back of your hand, pull it upwards, and if it stays in a ‘tent’ formation and doesn’t go back to normal within a few seconds, get yourself hydrated. STAT!

OK, so you know being dehydrated is unhealthy and the signs to look for. Now let’s figure out how to get healthier by hydrating! Here are a few ways to make staying hydrated by drinking water a habit. No more dehydration, friends, I’m serious! Let’s Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

Ahem. Here are those tips on how to make it easier to get enough H20:

  • Drink a glass of water right when you wake up. You’ve just gone eight or so hours without drinking a thing! Getting in 16oz. of water not only re-hydrates you, but it kick starts your metabolism, flushes out toxins, and helps that brain of yours to start working.

  • Carry a bottle of water with you EVERYWHERE. This way there’s no excuse for you to be thirsty (dehydrated).

  • Drink water when you want a snack. Oftentimes, we ‘feel’ hungry when, in fact, we’re thirsty! So, provided your calorie intake is on par for your dietary needs and you’re getting the right amount of nutrition, try a glass of water instead of that mid-morning snack. It may be all your body was craving! (P.S. Sometimes we feel hungry when we’re simply bored!)

  • Replace that extra coffee or soda with water. Yep, you heard me right. You may think caffeine is the only thing that will give you the energy boost you need, but good ol’ H2O can do the trick just as well in most cases!

  • Drink water right before a meal. Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat. (Some people recommend drinking 16oz. of water 1/2-hour before every meal to help lose weight.)

  • Add fruit! I’ll be the first to admit that drinking water all day can get a bit *yawn* boring. Infusing water with fruit or adding a big chunk of lemon can spice it up.

  • Drink a glass of water an hour before bed. You’ll end off your day on a great note (and help avoid stroke and a heart attack, while you’re at it)!

So, grab your favorite water bottle, drink throughout the day, don’t get to the point where you’re thirsty, and keep that pee clear, people!

I always try to sleep at least eight hours a night and, of course, water, water, water!
~ Jennifer Aniston